Monday 30 August 2010


I came across these pictures a couple of weeks ago and have finally got range to putting them into a frame.

They look gorgeous on the wall but the photos are blurring slightly due to a bit of curvature in the frame.

Here are some close ups.

Monday 23 August 2010

Latch Hook Rugs

I've opened my next rug kit. I decided to have the dog one. As I suspected there were a lot of very close shades. This made it difficult to tell which was which at a glance. I decided to lay out one of each colour and name them for easy reference.

I had to do a bit of guess work as to which colour is called 'spice' so I hope I got it right. I think so from the picture.

I have bought a set of small boxes and separated the colours into these. I have added their code sign into the box. This has made finding the right colour quickly much easier.

I have completed a few lines and I must admit that this kit takes a bit more concentration than the previous ones I have done, but I think it will be worth the extra effort.

Saturday 21 August 2010

Wizards Tower

I have finally put my dragon into a fiery pit. It's more a pit full of larva really because I don't have any effective looking flames at the moment. I am working on some ideas and will add them in later if they turn out OK.

I managed to get some red and pink stones and used a plate with a lip to try to give the impression of emerging from a pit.

I placed the figures around the tower to make it look as though the mages were summoning the dragon.
The background is the inside of a Lord of the Rings folder.

I placed a crow from the Golden Compass set on the top of the tower. You can see him here blue tacked on to see the effect. I am going to glue him on when I'm happy with the scene.

I bought this dragon candle holder on a visit to Hampton Court and used it to represent a stone statue of a dragon sitting near the pit. I found a were raven and placed him on top as if he had just landed there.

I find winged creatures fascinating.

Overall I think there are many ways to improve this scene but I am quite pleased with it so far.

Friday 20 August 2010

Hamma Beads

The next thing I tried after the game icons were some X men characters. I only did a few because although I think they are very effective you will notice that I had a problem with the base warping.
Here are three of the ones I completed.




The problem appeared to be caused by the final ironing after removal from the board.

Thursday 19 August 2010


I bought a few more packets of the Disney Tinker Bell Fairy set but didn't get any new ones so was a bit disappointed.
When I was out today I found some packs that contain two fairies that are both visible. They were in a sale at The Entertainer. I managed to pick up the ones I wanted, although I still had to accept some repeats.
Here are the new ones.



Tinker Bell

Tinker Bell with Kitten

The Queen

The ones in the visible packs did not contain their name cards to complete the picture but I am more interested in the models so I don't really mind that.
This is one of the visible packs I bought today.

You can see Fairy Mary still in the packet.

Fairy Mary

I hope you agree they make a charming set.

Tuesday 17 August 2010

Schielch Animal Miniatures

I have collected my final set of animals together to make the pond scene. I have found some grass paper in Model Zone so am ready to put the scene together. I thought I'd show you the new additions to my collection before I completed the scene.

Deer Family

Hedgehog Family



I hope you like them. I think the baby animals they do in this series are gorgeous.

Monday 16 August 2010

Hamma Beads

Hamma beads became popular a while ago now but I still do the occasional one. I love the pixel art effect and have been experimenting with achieving the same effect in other ways. When I first tried out Hamma beads I couldn't decide whether to use the small, mini beads or the medium, midi beads. I think the mini beads make very cute pictures but they are difficult to handle. I found it necessary to use  tweezers to place them and they would even move by static as I covered them ready to be ironed. Consequently I settled for the midi size. I started with some icons from a game I was playing at the time called Gemsweeper which were small and simple.

I found achieving a good end result unpredictable, and in fact still do. One other problem I find is that some of the beads tend to expand into rings as you can see if you look at the edge of the Easter Island statue.
I will show you some of my later attempts next time.

Friday 13 August 2010

LatchHook Rugs

I tried another twelve inch square rug kit. This is a Fish kit from Caron International, natura like the Ladybird and the Carousel I did previously. I do enjoy doing these kits. I think it's something to do with the picture gradually emerging.

The fish rug.

I reckon six rugs sewn together will be a good size; so three more to go!
When I was last in HobbyCraft I spotted a puppy one. This looks as though it uses a greater colour range so I will have to find some individual containers for the wool. I will let you see how I get on.

Wednesday 11 August 2010

The Professionals

I finally managed to pick up a cheap frame that would fit my CI5 wallets. I have printed some Bodie and Doyle pictures to use as a background. They are now up on my study wall which is much better than sitting in a drawer.

I think it looks good and am pleased with the result.

Monday 9 August 2010



I have picked up a few more packets of the Disney Tinker Bell packets. I have been lucky so far and only had one repeat of the original Tinker Bell figure.



A second Tinker Bell but this time she has a wand.

I'm not a big Tinker Bell fan but I adore fairies in general so I am enjoying this collection. I love the fact that they have flower bases.

Saturday 7 August 2010

Schielch Animal Miniatures


I went to The Entertainer today and found some more animals to help make my country pond scene. I thought you might like to see them.

A fox.

A rabbit.

A pig family.

A cow.

I'm planning to get some sort of grass paper to cover a shelf on my bookcase to make the scene. I'll try to find a bit of hedge row and a bush for decoration.
I'll keep you up to date on the progress I make.

Tuesday 3 August 2010


When I was in Tesco I came across some Tinkerbell packets. I thought I'd try one to see if they were any good. Inside was a figure and a card.

I thought it was cute. The figure is well made and detailed. It slots into the base easily and stands well.
I shouldn't get any more because I'm bound to get loads the same but I probably will pick up one or two packets anyway.

Sunday 1 August 2010

Wizards Tower

I have found two more figures to place around my wizards tower.
This Twilek Scout will make a good look out for one of the top steps.

I found a Crystal Protector who is reading a spell from a scroll to help the Blood of Vol Cultist and the Doomdreamer to cast the spell.

This figure is from the Mage Knight set but fits in well with the Dungeon and Dragon figures.
I searched around for a monster or demon for them to be calling up. I fancied something large and ended up in Early Learning where I found a set of fantasy figures. They are obviously for younger children but I like the detail and am hoping it will work.

I am going to attempt to make it look as though the dragon is emerging from a fiery pit.
I will let you see the end result and let you decide if it's worked or not.