Monday 16 August 2010

Hamma Beads

Hamma beads became popular a while ago now but I still do the occasional one. I love the pixel art effect and have been experimenting with achieving the same effect in other ways. When I first tried out Hamma beads I couldn't decide whether to use the small, mini beads or the medium, midi beads. I think the mini beads make very cute pictures but they are difficult to handle. I found it necessary to use  tweezers to place them and they would even move by static as I covered them ready to be ironed. Consequently I settled for the midi size. I started with some icons from a game I was playing at the time called Gemsweeper which were small and simple.

I found achieving a good end result unpredictable, and in fact still do. One other problem I find is that some of the beads tend to expand into rings as you can see if you look at the edge of the Easter Island statue.
I will show you some of my later attempts next time.

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