Saturday 21 August 2010

Wizards Tower

I have finally put my dragon into a fiery pit. It's more a pit full of larva really because I don't have any effective looking flames at the moment. I am working on some ideas and will add them in later if they turn out OK.

I managed to get some red and pink stones and used a plate with a lip to try to give the impression of emerging from a pit.

I placed the figures around the tower to make it look as though the mages were summoning the dragon.
The background is the inside of a Lord of the Rings folder.

I placed a crow from the Golden Compass set on the top of the tower. You can see him here blue tacked on to see the effect. I am going to glue him on when I'm happy with the scene.

I bought this dragon candle holder on a visit to Hampton Court and used it to represent a stone statue of a dragon sitting near the pit. I found a were raven and placed him on top as if he had just landed there.

I find winged creatures fascinating.

Overall I think there are many ways to improve this scene but I am quite pleased with it so far.

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