Sunday 1 August 2010

Wizards Tower

I have found two more figures to place around my wizards tower.
This Twilek Scout will make a good look out for one of the top steps.

I found a Crystal Protector who is reading a spell from a scroll to help the Blood of Vol Cultist and the Doomdreamer to cast the spell.

This figure is from the Mage Knight set but fits in well with the Dungeon and Dragon figures.
I searched around for a monster or demon for them to be calling up. I fancied something large and ended up in Early Learning where I found a set of fantasy figures. They are obviously for younger children but I like the detail and am hoping it will work.

I am going to attempt to make it look as though the dragon is emerging from a fiery pit.
I will let you see the end result and let you decide if it's worked or not.

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