Saturday 24 July 2010

Latch Hook Rugs


A couple of months ago I fancied trying my hand at rug making. Latch Hook rugs seemed the way to go so I purchased a small 12 inch kit featuring a ladybird. After several attempts and internet research I finally managed to work out how to use the hook. Following the pictures sounded much more straight forward than it it really was!

After several hours I finished my first tiny rug. I felt a real sense of achievement.

Here is said rug.

Quite pretty I think you'll agree, but what on earth do you do with a twelve inch rug?

After giving the matter careful thought I came up with the idea of a patchwork rug. The next day I chose a carousel horse design kit. I checked the box to make sure it was a twelve inch one. On opening the kit I counted the same forty squares as before and set about completing the second square of my patchwork rug to be.

Here is the result.

Great! Now I could sew the two squares together. If any of you make rugs you will probably guess what I found.

They were different sizes!

I rechecked the boxes and found they only claimed to be approximately twelve inches.

Sighing, I resiegned myself to leaving them as stepping stones across my bedroom carpet.
I haven't given up yet and will let you know how my new rug is progressing next time.

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