Tuesday 27 July 2010

Wizard's Tower

A few months ago I found a wizard's tower at a model fair.

I have gradually collected a few miniatures to place around it. Most of them are Dungeon and Dragon figures I found on the Internet. I tend to choose ones I like the look of and so end up with a mixture of miniatures from a variety of sets. I particularly like winged figures and am waiting for several to arrive at the moment. I will let you see them when they come.
This is a winged figure I really like called Asura.

This is a Doomdreamer casting a spell.

This is a detailed figure called Blood of Vol Cultist.

I have given him this Bluespawn as a familiar.

I have also given him this tiny Goblin Delver to follow behind him carrying his luggage.

I am now looking for a large figure for the spell casters to be calling forth and will let you know when I come across something suitable.

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