Thursday 2 September 2010


I have been collecting Preiser figures for a while now. I particularly enjoy looking at winged creatures and picked up some fairy figures from Model Zone.
I found a tub that had once held an assortment of bath oils etc. in which to make a scene. The top is a bit cumbersome but it will keep the dust out.
I wanted to include something to give scale so I looked for a tree. Unfortunately the only ones I could find were on the small side for what I needed. I decided to make my own and ended up using Woodland Scenics 'plaster cloth'. I wet it and wrapped it around a newspaper shape and I think it worked reasonably well. The rough texture once painted gave a fair representation of bark.

I covered the base with grass paper and added a few pebbles and a few polystyrene balls. The purple fluff was claimed to represent woodland flowers but I wasn't totally convinced on that point. I think it works better when viewed from the distance.

Anyway I glued one of the seated fairies to the tree root and the other to the branch.

One of the standing fairies I hung from the branch to try and make her appear to be flying. I think this has worked quite well. The thread is practically invisible from a distance.

The second standing fairy I had to attach to a base since, as you can see here, she kept falling over. I used a small piece of clear plastic so that it wouldn't be too noticeable.

The third standing one I glued onto a pebble.

Finally I added a figure of a photographer to help make the fairy figures the right size along with the tree that I used as a bush.

I think it has worked quite well and am pleased with the result.

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