Saturday 18 December 2010



While on holiday I picked up a few small models of mermaids which set me thinking. So I looked around and discovered Model zone sold even smaller ones.

I found a perspex container that I had received as a present containing soaps etc and painted the inside of the base blue using glass paints.

I looked out an old shell I had collected years ago on the beach and cleaned it up and added a glass stone.

Next I needed something to represent water. After searching I discovered Hobbycraft sold packets of E-Z Water for woodland scenes. This is 'non toxic, low odour product which requires no measuring or mixing and hardens in minutes.' Sounded about right for me to have a go with.

So armed with a heating pot (which is for cooking individual puddings in) and a pair of pliers I set about melting the globules to make water.

I dropped in to the tank a few sequins and small blue shells that I had found in The Works for making cards along with crushed glass and glass stones for the bottom of fish tanks.

Unfortunately I didn't heat enough water globules the first time to cover the whole base. The packet was absolutely spot on when it claimed the product to be quick drying and before I had heated extra the first lot had set hard so giving a permanent line across the bottom.

I added a small pearl star, the shell and more sequins, and determined not to make the same mistake filled the small bowl this time. I'm not sure what the problem was but the water started pouring well but seemed to cool as it ran along the sides of the shell. This meant that I ended up with an uneven layer that didn't cover the whole base. Undeterred I heated a third bowlful and poured it into the missing corners and allowed it to overlap the shell on one side. I was hoping that this would look as though a wave was lapping into the shell. I'm not sure it was totally successful.

I think layering the sequins and tiny shells gave it a bit of depth as did painting the base darker than the sides. On reflection I think I should have painted it much deeper blue on the bottom and much higher up the sides. I added the mermaids afterwards. I had intended to partly submerge a couple of them to make it look as if they were swimming but after a previous attempt with heat and small figures I thought better of it.

The overall effect is not too bad and I learnt lots, so I am happy. The water was a bit disappointing since I thought it was going to be clear but as you can see it turned out rather yellow. Still next time I know to try adding a bit of colouring to the water itself.

Thursday 9 December 2010

Holiday Memories

Just a few pics from when I was recently at the sea side. It was a bit cold and wet but boarding house was comfortable and friendly. Thought I would share a couple of memories with you.
On the pier there was a sea life place where you could feed the fish. They were keen and came right up for the food. This is not a particularly clear photo but you can make out the turtle swimming among them.

There were also a couple of abandoned ducklings enjoying the attention and pinching the fish food as well.

The first evening we went for a walk and I saw my first ever double rainbow. The second rainbow isn't as obvious in the picture as it was in real life but you can see it.

Finally on the way home we pulled into a station and there was an old steam train on the next line surrounded by enthusiasts.

I had a relaxing and enjoyable time and still managed to buy some tee shirts with pictures of horses and wolves on them even though it was too cold to wear them out.

Wednesday 8 December 2010

Latch Hook Rugs

I have completed the horse kit.

I think this this is the best looking one so far. The wool is very soft and lovely to touch.
I am going to choose another animal one for the final square.

Wednesday 13 October 2010

Hamma Beads

I started a collection of wolves in Hamma beads. My favourite is the brown wolf.

I think the shadow is very effective.
I put it in a frame and hung it on my wall with the other two I have completed so far.

I made the backgrounds blocky and I think it works well with the brown wolf.

On reflection I think there is too much black in the background for this one.

I tried to go for placing this one on the steps to a temple but it probably makes the background too fussy.

I think there is something primal about wolves. I am thinking of trying one in green but haven't been able to find olive green yet.

Saturday 25 September 2010

Latch Hook Rugs

I have completed my dog rug. I am very pleased with this one.

I have been back to Hobbycraft and found another animal one. This time it is a horse.

It contains the wool or yarn,

the canvas,

and the instructions.

This kit also contains the latch hook itself although not all kits do. This only really matters when you are buying one for the first time or need a special size.
I'll let you see how it turns out.

Wednesday 8 September 2010


When I was out at the week end I saw some stickers for wheelie bins. I thought they would look good on my cupboards. I already have a couple of cat stickers I purchased from B&Q months ago.

Some Disney stickers I bought a couple of weeks ago.

Finally a bird cage I got last week. This one came as multiple pieces that had to be put together.

I think they cheer the room up but will have to stop buying them since I am running out of space.
Any way here is the most recent pack.

In this one the individual pieces needed cutting out.

Here is the finished arrangement on the cupboard door.

Sunday 5 September 2010

Hamma Beads

To solve the problem of the curvature of the base of the pictures I found it necessary to leave them on the board much longer while ironing. This gave much better results but tended to destroy the pegs on the boards.
I used to enjoy playing a game called Battle of Olympus and so decided to produce some of the icons from the game. If you played the game you might recognise these.

Hawks that dropped stones on the hero's head.

This is the hero.


This is one of the old men the hero had to talk to inside one of the houses.

Here are some of the snakes from a cave. The later snakes were red.

Here are Zeus and a messenger.

Here is the hero with the princess he has to rescue.

I hope you enjoyed these. I will show you my two favourites from this set next time.